Faculty Ad
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THE DEPARTMENT OF CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING, UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN-MADISON invites outstanding individuals to apply for a tenure-track or tenured faculty position that is available as part of an exciting campus initiative: the Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery (WID). General information on WID can be found at http://discovery.wisc.edu. The BIONATES (Bio-nanocomposite Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering) research theme at the WID seeks applicants with expertise in combining micro-, nano- and biotechnology to bridge the fields of chemistry, biology, and engineering. Successful applicants will be able to work in a diverse, multidisciplinary environment, performing research at the interface of tissue engineering, cell and developmental biology, chemistry, bio-, and nano-technology, as well as materials science and polymer engineering. Apply on-line at http://newfac.bionates.discovery.wisc.edu.
Candidates should have a distinguished academic record, exceptional potential for creative research and a commitment to both graduate and undergraduate instruction. For more senior applicants, an outstanding reputation in the field of specialty is a prime requirement.
Applications received prior to Dec. 31, 2011 will receive full consideration. Unless confidentiality is requested in writing, information regarding applicants must be released upon requests. Finalists cannot be guaranteed confidentiality. UW-Madison is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer.
Please check this link again as it will be updated as information on further positions becomes available.