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Faculty Ad

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Institution:The University of Alabama
Department:Chemical and Biological Engineering
Location:Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Target rank:Assistant Professor, Associate Professor
Tenure track:yes
Start date:flexible
Posting date:October 23, 2010
Application deadline:none
More info URL:http://facultyjobs.ua.edu

Research areas:unrestricted

Posting PDF

The Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering at The University of Alabama seeks applications and nominations for four Associate/Assistant Professor positions, with a start date as early as January 2011. We are seeking candidates who will develop a nationally competitive research program with a strong emphasis on fields related to biological engineering, environmental engineering, or energy. It is expected that the successful candidates will work with interdisciplinary colleagues in UA’s biological sciences, chemistry, and engineering departments in developing and sustaining their research programs.

The successful candidates must have a balanced perspective on research and instruction. Teaching at both graduate and undergraduate levels is essential. Applicants must hold a doctoral degree in chemical engineering or a closely related field.

UA’s Chemical and Biological Engineering Department offers B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees, and currently has an enrollment of over 400 undergraduate students, 23 graduate students, and 13 faculty. Sponsored research projects currently exceed $2 million. The department plays a leading role in the College of Engineering’s research and educational missions. For more information on the department, see our website: http://che.eng.ua.edu.

Interested persons should submit a curriculum vita, and a separate document including a cover letter, description of research plans, a statement of teaching philosophy, and the names of three references. These two documents should be uploaded by accessing: http://facultyjobs.ua.edu

The applications may be submitted to one or more of the following postings:

1. Biological Engineering and Other Research Areas: organization 214221-Chemical and Biological Engineering, Requisition # 0804292

2. Environmental Engineering Research: organization 214221-Chemical and Biological Engineering, Requisition # 0804355

3. Energy Research: organization 200301-Materials for Information Technology, Requisition # 0803403

Review of applications will begin in immediately and will continue until the positions are filled. The University of Alabama is an equal opportunity/affirmative action, Title IX, Section 504, ADA employer.