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Faculty Ad

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Institution:University of Pittsburgh
Department:Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
Location:Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Target rank:Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor
Tenure track:yes
Start date:flexible
Posting date:August 26, 2015
Application deadline:December 31, 2015
More info URL:http://www.engineering.pitt.edu/SSOE-Resources/Open-Positions/Open-Rank-Faculty-Position,-Department-of-Chemical-and-Petroleum-Engineering/
Contact: Professor Goetz Veser
Research areas:Energy, Nanotechnology, Environment/sustainability, Modeling/simulation, Bioengineering, Reaction engineering, Materials

We seek exceptional candidates at any level, including an endowed chair position. Successful senior candidates should have an established international research reputation; junior candidates should show strong potential to become leaders in their respective fields and to contribute to teaching at the undergraduate and graduate levels. The Department has internationally recognized programs in Energy and Sustainability, Catalysis and Reaction Engineering, Materials, Multi-Scale Modeling, and Biomedical engineering and Biotechnology. Active collaborations exist with several adjacent centers, including the University of Pittsburgh Center for Simulation and Modeling, the Petersen Institute for Nanoscience and Engineering, the Mascaro Center for Sustainable Innovation, the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, the McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine, and the U.S. DOE National Energy Technology Laboratory. We are seeking faculty who can contribute strategically to departmental strengths especially in catalysis, energy, and sustainability, though outstanding applicants in all areas will be considered. To apply, submit CV, names of four references, and research and teaching plans as a single PDF file to: Professor Götz Veser; Chemical Engineering Department; 940 Benedum Hall; University of Pittsburgh; Pittsburgh, PA 15261 . Applications accepted via email only to che@engr.pitt.edu . In order to ensure full consideration, applications must be received by December 31, 2015. The University of Pittsburgh is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer.