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Faculty Ad

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Institution:NYU Polytechnic School of Engineering
Department:Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering (CBE)
Location:Brooklyn, New York
Target rank:Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor
Tenure track:yes
Start date:Spring 2016
Posting date:August 11, 2015
Application deadline:May 29, 2016
More info URL:https://www.nyuopsearch.com/applicants/Central?quickFind=52543

Research areas:Bioengineering


New York University, one of the largest and most highly regarded private universities, is seeking to add several tenured/tenure-track faculty members to its Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (CBE) Department as part of a major multi-year growth phase of the NYU Polytechnic School of Engineering. The faculty and students of the School are at the forefront of the high-tech start-up culture in New York City and have access to world-class research centers in biomedical (http://research.med.nyu.edu/) and materials science (http://mrsec.as.nyu.edu/page/home). We enjoy close collaborations with the NYU Center for Soft Matter Research (http://csmr.as.nyu.edu/), the Molecular Design Institute (http://mdi.as.nyu.edu/), as well the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences and other colleges at NYU.

The CBE Department invites outstanding applications for tenure-track or tenured faculty appointments in all areas of chemical and biomolecular engineering, with particular emphasis on bioengineering and materials science. Candidates must have a PhD degree in chemical engineering or a related discipline and must have the ability to develop and lead high-quality research and attract external funding.

Applications received by December 1, 2015 will receive full consideration. NYU is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer.

Applications can be submitted at: http://www.nyuopsearch.com/applicants/Central?quickFind=52543


New York University is an Equal Opportunity Employer. NYU does not discriminate due to race, color, creed, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender and/or gender identity or expression, marital or parental status, national origin, ethnicity, citizenship status, veteran or military status, age, disability, unemployment status or any other legally protected basis, and to the extent permitted by law. Qualified candidates of diverse ethnic and racial backgrounds are encouraged to apply for vacant positions at all levels.