Welcome to cachet
This site has been established to aid chemical engineering faculty candidates to find and fill positions in departments with faculty openings. The site is established and administered by CACHE (Computer Aids for Chemical Engineering), a non-profit organization established in 1969 to advance the use of computers in chemical engineering education.
This site provides two basic capabilities:
- Posting of faculty openings by chemical engineering departments.
- Registration for email notification when new openings are posted.
How much does it cost?
Both of these services are offered free of charge. However, faculty-opening posting capabilities are restricted to departments that are members of CACHE. Departments who wish to become members may do so by submitting a membership application (there are a lot of good reasons to do so, apart from the ability to use cachet).
No restrictions are placed on viewing department postings, and no restrictions are placed on who may register for email notifications.
What can I do here?
The following are some of the features provided by this site:
- The postings are living documents, meaning they can be edited, updated or deleted any time, as needed, directly by the user.
- The postings can be filtered and sorted on a variety of criteria, enabling focus on just those listings that are relevant to the viewer.
- Candidates can register to be notified by email any time a department posts a new opening. It is also very easy to de-register or suspend this service.
We want this to serve the requirements of both departments and candidates. As this is a relatively small community we can be responsive to your needs. We therefore welcome suggestions for improvements and new features that may make this service more useful to all concerned.
What is the scope of this service?
CACHE is an international organization, with member departments in countries worldwide. We aim to make cachet a resource for all of this community.
To get started, create an account as a department or candidate, and follow the appropriate links to make a posting.